Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Difference : Renting a Rickshaw vs. Owning A Rickshaw

The Difference :
Renting a Rickshaw vs.
Owning A Rickshaw

Raiyana Zainab Alam

In Bangladesh, there already aren’t many normal-paying jobs. People there have to work extremely hard to just earn a few taka. There is a big difference in renting a rickshaw and working for someone, than owning your own rickshaw. First of all, renting a rickshaw and having a boss probably would make you feel like you are a servant or a slave (unless you enjoy it). Having a boss, you will probably have to reach a certain amount of money everyday, which some days it can be easy, but some days it can be extremely hard. On hot days, many people might want to escape the heat and quickly get home, but on colder cooler days, I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t as many people wanting to ride on a rickshaw, unless they want to ride it for fun!
Owning your own rickshaw would make feel like you have so many more possibilities! And you actually will have more! Owning your own rickshaw will make you realize, you don’t have a goal to reach, except support your family! It will also help you gain a lot more money than before. Before you had to pay the old grouchy boss 75% of your earnings. And you come home with a measly 25% of that. No! Now, you get to skip the extra ride to your boss’s house, and ride home with 100% of your earnings! 100% profit is included!
So, that is what we are trying to accomplish, the second option! We are trying to provide 101 lucky rickshaw drivers their very own rickshaws to help them in economic growth. Lucky for us, we have already collected enough for 36 rickshaws!

Keep up the good work, guys!!!

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