Saturday, November 14, 2015

A worthy cause

I'm a new member of the 101 Rickshaw Project, and I was shocked to hear about the rickshaw situation. In Bangladesh, many families rent rickshaws to provide rides to the public as their main source of income. Often, they need to give 75% or more of their profit to their boss, or whoever they are renting the rickshaw from, and only keeping 25% for themselves and their family. Everyday they strive to raise a reasonable sum of money, only to fork over the majority of their sales to their boss.

No one should have to live like that, giving away most of the money that they make. However, with your support and donations, we can turn around the lives of these hard-working civilians and provide them with their very own rickshaw! $150 is all it takes to provide a rickshaw to a family, so please open your heart and spare some money for this cause.

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